Welcome to GrafMe !
GrafMe is a free photo montage website.
GrafMe you can create custom animated GIF online like animated smileys for Live Messenger and avatars but also picture montage and personnalisation for your blogs and Facebook.
All of that simply, quickly and of course free!
NEW : Create your own pop-art with your new category
pop-art photomontage !
NEW : Go to the TV with our new section
TV News montage !
Pop-Art Montage
Create a popart photomontage

Spot Color Montage
Emphasize a color of your photo

Face Avatar
Create a custom smiley/face avatar.

Fun Montage
Create fun montages with your text

Framed montage
Create a custom framing

Effet Montage
Transform your picture with effets
Text Montage
Add a custom text on your picture
GIF Montage
Turn your picture with animated effect
Effect avatar
Make a MSN Display Picture with your picture and your custom effects

TV News montage
Create a photo montage TV news with your custom picture

Minecraft Achievement
Create an Minecraft achievement signature

Frame montage
Add a custom frame on your picture

Who wants to be a millionaire ?
Create your own question in this famous game.
Wanted poster
Turn your picture into a "Wanted" poster.

Text avatar
Make your own MSN Display picture with your text.

Love avatar
Create a Love avatar for Messenger.

Poeme Montage
Create a blog montage with your poem or your custom text.
